FIESTA is a fiercely original theatrical experience, fusing explosive theatre, live jazz performance and dynamic choreography into a play that sees the sensual beauty and the raw brutality of Ernest Hemingway’s tale of love, loss and decadence.
FIESTA is based on one of the greatest novels of the twentieth century, Hemingway’s The Sun Also Rises. American writer Jake (Gideon Turner), is one of “the lost
generation” post WWI living a bohemian lifestyle in Paris in the 1920s, with fellow expat novelist Robert Cohn (Jye Frasca), until the arrival of the irresistible Lady Brett Ashley (Josie Taylor) throws their lives into turmoil. Jake’s obsession with bullfighting takes them to Pamplona, Spain, to experience the testosterone fuelled world of bullfighting. In the sweltering heat of Spain they meet the beguiling bullfighter Romero (Jack Holden) and a violent spectacle unfolds.
The explosive jazz band, TRIO FAROUCHE, perform live in FIESTA and the kinetic energy between cast and musicians erupts in Spain, with the actors becoming saturated with red wine as it spills from the set - capturing the passionate spirit of Pamplona’s Fiesta, within the intimate space of TRAFALGAR STUDIO 2.